What is
The Marriage

A seven session course set in a fantastic atmosphere. You will be served with a candlelit meal including coffee, tea and dessert at a romantic table for two whilst listening to practical talks that are informative and fun. There is never any group work and you will never be asked to share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner. The course fee, per couple, which includes 14 two course meals and the course Journal is £118.00. This is payable in two equal instalments of £59, one before the course and one payment halfway through.
What can I expect?
The course takes place over seven evenings. We start with a meal at 7.15 pm and finish by 9.50 pm. Each session includes:
Fantastic atmosphere that many say feels like a date night. A great atmosphere and a friendly welcome.
A meal at a romantic table for two giving you space to relax and chat. You will be served with a candlelit dinner and coffee, tea and dessert.
Practical talks that are informative and fun. They include filmed clips of couples sharing their own experiences and street interviews from around the world.
Coffee and private discussion time as a couple. You will be given topics to discuss (sometimes with the help of an exercise). Music is played so you can’t hear couples on other tables and they can’t hear you!
No group work, so relax - you will not have to share anything about your relationship with anyone else.
Homework - at the end of each session you are given some homework to do together. This will help you to build on what you have learnt and give you the opportunity to apply it to your relationship. Don't worry - it won't be marked! It isn't looked at by anyone else and is just for your own benefit.
The course fee - per couple - which includes 14 two course meals and two copies of the course manual is £118.00. It is paid in two instalments of £59.00, one at the beginning of the course.
What Can I Expect?
David & Lise
First impressions for David and Lise were not positive. Lise was over from Australia for a wedding and thought David was ‘all the things about British bankers that were bad’. Meanwhile, he found Lise ‘a loud, annoying Aussie’! But several months in the UK changed their opinion of one another; they began dating and when Lise returned to Australia, David followed her out there. After a four month engagement they were married in Adelaide, Australia, and now live in London with their two children, Amelia and Eloise. Lise recalls an early adjustment she had to make: ‘David asked me not to cook so many roast dinners. I was averaging three a week trying to impress him!’
David’s parents had divorced when he was young. He said, ‘Reading The Marriage Book and spending time with Lise’s family and others who were still together really helped give me a picture of what it could be like and that it could be good’.
Their marriage got off to a challenging start: Lise contracted chronic fatigue (ME) from a virus and spent her days battling headaches and exhaustion. They decided to do The Marriage Course. Lise said, ‘Our marriage was ok- but it was during the time I had ME which put quite a strain on our relationship. I remember sitting on the floor for most of the course as I didn’t have the energy to sit in a chair and David sat with me. There were lots of tears and hugs as it was such a gloomy time, but it really helped us to see past our situation and focus on each other, which was what we needed.
‘It was great being there. We totally blocked everyone out and amazingly, although we were surrounded by a lot of people, we got lost in our own world. We were almost surprised at the end of the evening to find other couples sitting a few metres away. We particularly valued the sessions on communication and resolving conflict and have found ourselves adopting many of the practical tips modelled on the course. For example, we really notice the difference it makes when we have a date night, one of the course’s very practical suggestions.
‘We are chalk and cheese in terms of our personalities. But, taking part in The Marriage Course has given us the confidence that, even though we are very different and often don’t agree on many things, our marriage is and will be strong. We have learnt the skills to understand our differences and keep our communication clear. Of course, it’s not always easy and we don’t always do it right, but we now know how to work at clearing up a mess when just get into one!’
David and Lise

Committed to strengthening family life and helping those who are hurting because of family break-up
A place to come to shape, enrich, maintain or repair your marriage
Relate offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support face-to-face, by phone and through this website.
The Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education is dedicated to making marriage education widely available.